Apple MacBook Air 256 GB Hard Drive Capacity Laptops

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Finding the Right Laptop

Although there are many types of laptop available on the market, one of the more distinct designs is that of the Macbook. Of the many versions of this laptop, the smallest and most lightweight is the Macbook Air. However there are various seemingly small differences that can affect whether a MacBook Air is right for you.

What Are Some Features of a MacBook Air's Design?

Besides their LED-backlit display, the Apple MacBook Air has several physical and technical design features that impact how you use it, like:

  • Operating System: Unlike many other laptops, MacBooks come with their very own operating system, MacOS. With versions like OS-X, Mac OS has its own unique layout, navigation and file formats.
  • Navigation Controls: To control and use your MacBook Air, they feature a multi-touch trackpad for scrolling and selecting with your cursor, and a keyboard which is backlit for low-light environments. Other versions of the MacBook also feature a touch bar for special controls, but not the MacBook Air.

Which Technical Components Effect a MacBook's Performance?

To make sure your MacBook is capable of doing everything you want it to, it's important to choose one that meets your technical requirements. Components that can affect those requirements include:

  • Computer Processor: The speed, measured in GHz, and performance of a laptop is generally determined by its processor (CPU). The MacBook Air can feature a fifth-generation or later Intel core, like the Intel Core i5 which harnesses a dual-core design for greater computing power.
  • Hard Drive Storage: In order to keep all your most important files near at hand, you need enough storage on your computer. Laptops with a 256 GB SSD drive will provide ample space for photos, videos and documents and the flash storage of Apple MacBooks means they're fast and more lighweight.
  • Graphics Card: To boost applications that require extra processing power, laptops often include a dedicated graphics card like the Intel HD Graphics 6000.

What Forms of Connectivity Does the MacBook Come With?

While still useful on their own, laptops like the MacBook Air offer much greater functionality when connected to other devices and the Internet. Connectivity options can include:

  • Internet Connectivity: The MacBook Air does is not designed with an Ethernet port, so to connect to the Internet or a home network you need a Wi-Fi connection. 802.11ac Wi-Fi is supported for home and private networking, while Wi-Fi protocols supported include 802.11a/b/g/n.
  • Bluetooth Connectivity: Pairing your MacBook with another device like a smartphone over Bluetooth allows you to share files, as well as stream music or movies.
  • Wired Connectivity: For a wired connection to devices like TVs and external hard drives, MacBooks feature either a USB-C or Thunderbolt port, depending on their generation.