9 - 10.9 Inch eReaders

Buying a 9 or 10-Inch eBook Reader

You have several options to choose from when finding an ebook reader. You can find both 9 or 10-inch versions of ebooks like the Amazon Kindle, or the Nook or Kobo e-reader models, among others. Be aware of what you will find when looking for an e-reader so you will have the right choice for your reading experience.

What Is the Light Like?

Check on any built-in light features that you might come across. Some models like the Kindle Paperwhite let you adjust the brightness of what's on the screen with a basic switch. Others like the Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight will analyze light settings and produce displays that are suitable for most outdoor uses.

Some lights also filter out difficult rays of light. Many models from Kobo will filter out blue-light rays, thus reducing the risk of your eyes straining.

What Is the Control Like?

Depending on what eReader you order, you might find that you don't need to use any page turn buttons to control your books. Older Amazon models have such controls but newer ones like the Amazon Kindle Oasis or Voyage do not. You may use a pressure-sensitive touchscreen to move from one part of the book to another. Each model you find would still require a power button to make it work. Page-turn sensors may also be used on the sides like what you may find off of the Amazon Kindle Voyage.

How Much Data?

Look at how much data an eReader can hold when finding something that will entertain you for a while. Many e-reading units come with 4 GB or more of storage space. An 8 GB model may have room for about 5,000 to 6,000 books, for instance. The size of a book file will vary based on its length, graphic features, and other special points you might find.

You would have to be cautious with your data use if you want to get multiple Android apps onto your reader. Some models like the Kindle Fire provide you with access to such apps for download.

Review Online Functionality

The online connectivity that comes with an e-reader can help you not only download books but also give you access to additional apps. The Kindle Fire and Kobo Aura One are good examples of readers that let you get online and find new books and apps.

Other Essential Features

Here are a few added features to look for on your ebook reader:

  • Glare protection. A coating on your ebook unit may provide you with a glare-free display screen that is easy to read in many spaces to make the e-ink easy to read.
  • Online connectivity. Wi-Fi signals are often supported to help you load up your notes for a book, sync your book to other device, or to download and pay for new books or apps.
  • Bluetooth support. You may find a Bluetooth link that connects your book to another ebook unit.
  • Font customization. You can adjust the e-ink settings on your screen to display books in different fonts or sizes to what whatever you are reading easier to see.
  • Battery life. Some models have built-in batteries that last for days before they need to be charged. The battery life will vary based on the types of programs you use.

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